About the College
The College of Architecture and Fine Arts Education is the creative academic unit of UM.
The University of Mindanao is the first to offer an Architecture Program in Davao region. It is accredited Level III by PACUCOA – the first Architecture school in the country granted PACUCOA Accreditation.
Program Offerings
- Bachelor of Science in Architecture
- Bachelor of Fine Arts and Design
- Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

Ar. Iluminado D. Quinto Jr., MURP
Dean, College of Architecture and Fine Arts EducationAssistant Dean

Ar. Camilo P. Quibod, MEP
Assistant Dean, College of Architecture and Fine Arts EducationPROGRAM HEADS

Ar. Nurvin Zary E. Bustillo, MSARCH
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Rogelito D. Cayas, MAFAD
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts and Design