About the College
The premier engineering school in the region with its Electrical Engineering Program, and the first to be granted Level IV Accreditation by PACUCOA. The Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering programs of the College are granted Center of Development (COD) status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
The University’s membership to the elite ASEAN International Mobility of Students (AIMS) Program is because of the standards highly recognized by other topnotch engineering institutions in the ASEAN region; thus being granted sole representation of Mindanao by the CHED.
Program Offerings
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Major in Structural
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Major in Water Resource
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Major in Transportation
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Major in Geotechnical

Charlito L. Cañesares, Eng.D.
Dean, College of Engineering EducationASSISTANT DEAN

Randy E. Angelia, M.Eng.
Assistant Dean, College of Engineering EducationPROGRAM HEADS

Jay Carlo S. Aguilar
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Stephen Paul L. Alagao
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Rolieven P. Cañizares, M.Eng.
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
Nicanor B. Fabracuer, Jr., MEP
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Cresencio P. Genobiagon Jr., Eng.D.
Program Head, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering