UM's Managan Ta Ga! Trail Run 2024 attracts 1,300 participants
More than 1,300 employees, students and alumni of UM participated in the Wildcats Trail Run 2024. The 5km race kicked off at 5am in the sports oval with runners completing the trail in the 28-hectare UM Matina campus.
The course started with one round around UM's 400-meter Oval Track, afterwards participants proceeded to the back road leading to the Research Hangar and Motorpool. They went up to the trail to UM Matina Gravahan and back down to the BE, GET, and DPT route; passing through the expansive ROTC Open Field before making the clock back inside the UM Oval.
The event was also made livelier with dance warmups and food available at kiosks.
The trail run, spearheaded by the Alumni Affairs Office, is one of the major events in UM's 78th Anniversary Celebration.