MANAGAN TA, GA! Color Fun Run Dos For A Cause: Registration kicks off for January fun run
After the successful Managan Ta Ga! event earlier this year benefiting scholars of the University of Mindanao, the Alumni Affairs Office is inviting participants to the Dos For A Cause fun run on January 19, 2020 at the UM Matina campus.
Once again benefiting scholars of the university and to further strengthen the alumni association, the event kicks off at 4am with the following categories: 3k, 5k, and 10k; and there will be awards for male and female top runners in each category.
Registration for Managan Ta, Ga! Color Fun Run Dos for a Cause is at the UM Alumni Affairs Office at Bolton campus at P250 for the student rate (with valid ID) and P500 for the regular rate, with both price points inclusive of a race singlet, finisher’s certificate, race bib, food items, and entry to the raffle. You may also contact the following numbers for further inquiries: 0955-550-4197 or 0930-887-7079.