For Grade 12 students: Join the Attitudes and Expectancies in the Workplace Immersion Webinar!
Attention to all GRADE 12 STUDENTS!
UM is inviting you to join the IMMERSION WEBINAR that will discuss various related topics related to Pre-Employment Requirements, Work Ethics, Social Media Etiquette, Career Opportunities, Sample Outputs in the Workplace, among others.
The live webinar is open and free to all grade 12 students. Register here.
Students may choose among the following schedules:
▪️April 20, 2021 -Accountancy and allied courses Immersion Webinar
▪️April 21, 2021- Business and allied courses Immersion Webinar
▪️April 22, 2021- Criminology Immersion Immersion Webinar
▪️April 27, 2021- Teacher Education Immersion Webinar
▪️April 29, 2021- HRM and Tourism Immersion Webinar
▪️April 30, 2021- Engineering and Technical and Vocational Immersion Webinar
▪️May 4, 2021- Architecture and Fine Arts Immersion Webinar
▪️May 5, 2021- Arts and Sciences Immersion Webinar
▪️May 6, 2021- Computing and Multimedia Immersion Webinar
▪️May 11, 2021- Nursing and allied courses Immersion Webinar